Here is what you missed at this week’s Rotary meeting!
Meeting Recap 8/22/19
Reception Desk: Bart Gorman & Karen Six
Visitors: Elizabeth Nassar
Chris Cochray – guest of P Joe Caruso
Judy Gigliotti – guest of Bob Dellecese & Joann Longo (Judy will soon become a member)
Invocation: Darby O’Brien
50-50 Winner: Jack Altdoerffer
Rotarians in the News: Roger Breslow
- In the Observer-Dispatch – Dave Jones, DG Randy Wilson and Ed Papparella signed a letter written by the Interfaith Coalition
- On Facebook – Heather Beebe in New Jersey; Norma Montagnino-Gemza at Theater at Woodshill production of Hamlet (as was Darby O’Brien, Linda Iannone, MaryAnn Reape); Dana Jerrard released over 100 Monarch butterflies and remarked that the recent arterial flooding should be marketed for tourism as the “Utica Venice of Central New York”
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President Joe shared his “What has Rotary done to make you proud” segment. Highlights were:
- Last week’s meeting presentation by Youth Exchange students Fiona Quintana and Erik Smith
- 12 Rotarians helped set up for Monday’s Levitt AMP concert and staffed a Rotary table
- Pride of Workmanship nominations are underway (for information and forms go to
- Community Choice Awards voting is underway – Conservancy of CNY, RCIL and Abraham House have all been nominated (to vote go to
- Rotary Club of Utica’s monthly mixer will be August 28 from 5-7 p.m. at Babe’s at Harbor Point
- Shakespeare’s Hamlet at Woodshill: remaining dates are August 23, 24 & 25 (for more information go to
- Stephen Turnbull gave an update on his father and PP Jim Turnbull. Jim is recovering from an infection in his foot and will need surgery; please keep him in your thoughts and prayers
- Norma Montagnino-Gemza gave a report on PDG/PP Larry Calabrese, who is currently in rehab at Presbyterian Homes & Services; send some cheer his way with cards or visits
- Jerry Kraus shared his Rotary Club of Utica team for the American Heart Association biking fundraiser on November 7 is looking for a fourth member—Elizabeth Nassar volunteered
Israel Acosta introduced Kerl Ermisch of Ermisch Marrone Photography. Karl spoke about his time as a member of Herkimer Rotary and the changes in technology and photography style from getting started in 1982 to the present time.
You can view the entire presentation at our Facebook page (click here to watch).
- Urban Concerns committee is collecting school supplies for the children of Adrean Terrace from August 22-29; contact Michelle Brandstadt for more information
- Our club’s new exchange student arrives next week; Felix from Germany will be a student at Clinton High School
Next week’s program: Professor Luke Perry, Utica College, will speak about his new book